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of Beef, Pork, Lamb, Goat, and Deer.
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How can we help you?

Custom Processing

Get the cuts you want! We custom process beef, pork, lamb, goat, and deer.

Retail Foods

Shop at our retail store in Edgewood or online for specialty meat items.

Other Locations

Find a location near you to purchase Edgewood Locker Meats.

Meat Cutter & Butcher Apprenticeship

If you're interested in a career in Meat Processing, check out our program!

Edgewood Locker Gift Boxes & Gift Certificates,

the gift everyone can use!

The Latest News from Edgewood Locker

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Edgewood Locker Facebook Feed

Edgewood Locker

18 hours 11 seconds ago

We've been getting a lot of questions recently from folks asking how much a quarter or half beef costs. We recently sold a half beef to a customer where we lined up the local farmer to provide a beef for them. Here's how it turned out: Pricing of the animal is based on the market. Current carcass price is $3.20- $3.37 based on the carcass weight. The price this particular custom paid was $3.37 per pound based on carcass weight. Our whole carcasses tend to be around 1000 pounds, and this one was 999 pounds, so 500 pounds for the half. 500 pounds times $3.37 equals $1685, so that was their cost for half of the animal. Their processing fee was $682.05. $682.05 divided by 500 (carcass weight) amounts to $1.36 per pound processing fee based on carcass weight. So if we add the cost of the animal to the processing fee, this customer paid $2,367.05. After we trimmed out the carcass, the customer took home 303 pounds of meat. $2,367.05 divided by 303 pounds equals a final cost of $7.80 per pound based on the take-home weight. While that may be more expensive than you can buy ground beef at the grocery store for, $7.80 is a super low price for the steaks, roasts, ribs, patties, etc. that this customer had their beef made into. We compared cut-by-cut what this customer paid for the animal and processing vs. what they would pay at the grocery store's retail price, and See More

Edgewood Locker

1 day 18 hours ago

Check out one of our newest retailers!

If you are traveling Highway 92 near Ainsworth, make sure to swing into the Ainsworth Four Corners Restaurant and Fuel Stop to check out their Edgewood Locker product selection!

Edgewood Locker

2 days 19 hours ago

We've had a TON of interest lately from people interested in buying quarters and halves of beef. As a result, we've created an FAQ page to help answer questions.

Buying a quarter or half beef is a great way to fill your freezer with locally raised and processed meat that will feed your family for months to come. Also, despite what you may have heard, buying your beef this way can save you money compared to buying by-the-package at the grocery store! Link below:

And even though we have this FAQ page, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have more questions. 563-928-6814!

Edgewood Locker

4 days 7 minutes ago

Let us know in the comments if you plan to incorporate Edgewood Locker products into your gameday festivities! 🏈

See what our customers have to say

 by Todd Wagner on Edgewood Locker
Excellent Quality MeatLoaf

I've had so many good products for edgewood locker and they do a ton for the small communities around Cedar Rapids. I live in Alburnett and they are always doing fundraising events for the different program. But this review is about the meatloaf. When I was there last week I decided to try the packaged meatloaf. It was so easy. It came in a tube just like regular ground beef. I put it in the loaf pan and smooshed three pounds together. Threw it in the oven and about an hour later had dinner. My family thought I had made it because it was in what looked like ground beef tubes. But I had to give credit where credit was due. I was skeptical when I bought it but nothing could have been easier and honestly I don't know when I have had better meatloaf.

 by Ron Heth on Edgewood Locker
Dried beef

Your dried beef is the best around!

 by Wanda and Todd Richards on Edgewood Locker
Donated deer processing.

We received a big donated deer from Edgewood locker. We received 2 huge boxes of meat. That will definitely make it easier getting through the winter. Thank you! Todd and Wanda Richards

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