Pork Producer List

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Looking for a local livestock farmer to buy a hog from so you can have a it processed at the Edgewood Locker? Check out this list of local producers that would love to sell you a half or whole hog and deliver it to the Edgewood Locker for you.

Note that if you prefer to have us lineup the local farmer for you, we are happy to take care of that step. Just give us a call at 563-928-6814 or contact us.

Copy of Get connected with a local cattle producer (4.75 x 3.75 in)
  • Jude Becker
    • Dyersville, IA
    • Pigs raised outdoors year round! At my six generation family farm north of Dyersville we have worked for 25 years to achieve world class pork; it tastes the best when the pigs are raised in a completely natural environment. Additionally, I'm certified organic, regenerative, and animal welfare inspected. We use heritage breeds such as Berkshire and Chester White. If you want to taste some of the best pork on the planet, feel free to get in touch to arrange a tour of my agroforestry project which combines animal husbandry and growing trees. Soon, we'll have another batch of acorns for the pigs to devour with delight.
    • 563-543-4513
  • Casey Demmer
    • The family and I raise quality Hampshire hogs. Fresh corn and cold water is what these pigs grow from.
    • Kayla 563-513-7459
  • Evans Family Farm
    • Marion, IA
    • At Evans Family Farm we raise purebred Berkshires from meat genetics. All our pigs live outside where they can roam their pasture. Our pigs have no growth hormones, antibiotics, or vaccines ever. We sell whole hogs and half hogs.
    • (12) Facebook
  • Brandon and Allie Goranson
    • Manchester, IA
    • Purebred Berkshires. All raised outside. Free delivery to the locker.
    • (12) Facebook
  • J & A Livestock
    • Bernard, IA
    • Family Farm raised pigs these are calm, easy going pigs our kiddos raise. Our pigs are kept outdoors with access to barn 24/7 365 days a year.
    • 563-348-0710
  • Kaufman Farms
    • Anamosa, IA
    • We raise purebred berkshire, Hampshire along with other breeds. Our hogs are raised outside on open lots with access to bedded shelter. We sell half and whole hogs.
    • Suzy 319-821-3245 or (12) Facebook
  • Little Grove Homestead - Lindsay Lentz
    • Stanley, IA
    • Small family farm. Pigs raised are heritage type hogs, typically by a Berkshire boar out of Berkshire, Hampshire, or Duroc sows. Our pigs are raised outside on a traditional diet. We rarely have a need to use antibiotics, but will not let any animal suffer and will treat if we need to, under the supervision of our vet, and that animal is then tagged so we can identify it. We do not use any growth promotion additives in our feed. We take care of scheduling locker dates with Edgewood Locker and are currently offering whole or half options.
    • (12) Facebook or 563-608-3007
  • Little Hop Farm
  • Marland Farms - William Martin
    • Fayette, IA
    • We are a small family farm, just south of Fayette that raises purebred Berkshire, Hampshire and Yorkshire hogs. We have been raising hogs in a very similar way since my great grandfather started raising hogs in the 1930's. We have used Edgewood Locker for as long as I can remember. We sell locker hogs as whole or half hogs. We will deliver the hog to the Edgewood Locker.
    • 563-422-7476 or (12) Facebook
  • Regan Pleggenkuhle
    • Fredericksburg, IA
    • Our farm is located east of Fredericksburg, Ia. We raise primarily Yorkshire cross hogs and some Hampshire hogs. Our hogs have access to shelter with bedding as well as access to open air. Not raised in a confinement setting. Our hogs are raised with no growth hormones and rarely will be medicated unless required for herd health. We do not let our animals suffer from disease or sickness. We have used Edgewood locker for meat processing since before I was a kid showing livestock at the county fair. We offer whole or half hogs.
    • 319-240-9728
  • Smith Farm - John Smith
    • Strawberry Point, IA
    • Outdoor raised Berkshire and Berkshire cross no growth prominence or hormones.
    • 563-379-2753
  • Stortz Family Farms
    • Waukon, IA
    • Berkshire x Duroc. All natural, hormone free. Raised outdoors in the warmer months. Hand Fed.
    • 563-568-1055
  • Aaron Supple
    • Hopkinton, IA
    • We raise crossbred Hampshires and Yorkshires. Our pigs live outside where they enjoy corn, table and garden scraps. Our pigs have no growth hormones or antibiotics. We sell whole hogs or half hogs.
    • 563-920-7756

Are you new to custom processing and curious how it works? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page

The information above has been provided to us by these producers. The Edgewood Locker does not specifically endorse these producers or make any guarantees about the quality of the animals they have to sell.

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